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“ENG 1117” was like facing a fight with a lion in 2019. i registered 1117 spring 2019 and ended up withdrawal because it was my first semester in college and everything was totally new to me as i completed high school outside the country and adapting the college version of USA became huge challenge. some … Continue reading Reflection

women and education

today is mothers day let me say shout out to all hardworking mothers around the world. regardless of the challenges faced by women, there are an outstanding and super rated women in the world because of their level of education and their contribution to make valuable changes.based on the current statistics in the enrolled and … Continue reading women and education

special need students

special need is a broad term but, now i will focus on Autism Spectrum Disorder.Disorders are a group of disorders that affect the development of the nervous system, leading to abnormal brain function which may affect emotion, learning ability, self-control, and memory. The effects of neurodevelopmental disorders tend to last for a person’s lifetime. BIG QUESTION: What … Continue reading special need students

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